4 Common Reasons Your Car Won't Start

Automotive Blog

If you find yourself sitting in your car unable to go anywhere because it won't start, you'll likely feel frustrated. Mechanical problems happen with all cars from time to time, but you're often left wondering what could be wrong when your car suddenly won't start. Here's an overview of 4 possible reasons for your car not starting:

Battery Corrosion

A flat battery is often the first thing drivers think of when their car won't start, but it's also possible that the battery has become corroded. The connections can corrode due to age and a common indicator of corroded connections is the car making no sound at all when you attempt to start it. Corroded connections prevent power being transmitted from the battery, but thankfully this is a simple and inexpensive problem to fix. Your mechanic will replace the battery connections and they can also install anti-corrosion discs with the new connections to extend their life.

Defective Starter Connection

The starter in your car gets the pistons moving in the engine cylinders and begins the combustion cycle in the engine. If the starter is defective, which often just occurs due to age, it will have to be replaced. If you have a circuit tester lead in your car care box, you can test the starter by connecting the lead to the starter wire. If the circuit tester records a current when you try to start the car but the starter does not spin or make any noise, you can be confident the starter is the problem.

Damaged Ignition Switch

The ignition switch is connected to the car's controls, so if none of the warning lights on the dashboard come on when you try to start the car, the ignition switch likely needs to be replaced. It is a complex component of your car that should only be replaced by a mechanic, as a poorly installed ignition switch can cause an electrical fire.

Damp Distributor Cap

The distributor cap works with the ignition coil and delivers the sparks necessary to ignite the fuel in your car. If your car won't start in wet weather, it's worth checking whether moisture is getting into the distributor cap. If you remove the cap, you can dry it with a cloth as a temporary fix, but you will need to have the cap replaced if moisture is getting in, as the issue will keep happening.

These common reasons for your car not starting are inexpensive to fix and can typically be sorted by a mechanic in a couple of hours, so book your car in for mechanical repairs with your local garage and you'll be back on the road in no time.


24 November 2020

The Car Customisation Crew

Hi! As someone who has been interested in cars since I was a teenager, I have spent many happy hours in my garage tinkering with vehicles. Although I never trained as a mechanic, I have learned many skills over the years and want to pass these on to other car enthusiasts. So, if you are interested in tweaking performance, lowering suspension or updating bodywork, then I hope you will find that this is the blog for you. There is plenty of advice on car stereos, seats and interiors, too. Read on to find out about everything you need to know about car customisation.